Sunday, September 22, 2019

Tipperary, and leaving Limerick

I have been in Bratislava for about 2 weeks now, but I still have a post to write about Ireland. On my last Wednesday at work we had my farewells... And this is what my colleagues gave me :). That scarf has shamrock design and the hello from Ireland is chocolate. I also got a 4-pack of Coke Zero because I am addicted to it.

This was the card

And of course there needs to be some sort of cake

I was at work til Friday but some of my colleagues were off for the rest of the week, that is why we had the farewell already on Wednesday. On Friday after hugging many people I walked out. Seriously, I nearly started crying when I walked out! It was very emotional... On Saturday I did my last day trip in Ireland, to Tipperary. It's a long way to Tipperary means 40 mins by bus. So I took the bus there with my flat mate, and her boyfriend picked us up from the bus and drove us around all day. I got to see little shitheads one more time! Not little anymore, but still adorable.

And look at these... my flat mate's boyfriend's dad's cat had kittens, they are about a month old. <3 <3 <3

Well, we actually got into some less important sight seeing too. First Rock of Cashel, National Monument of Ireland. The oldest building was built around 1100, but the majority of the buildings are from the 12th and 13th centuries. That place was just insane! Absolutely worth visiting, the ticket is just 8 euros, and you can also take a guided tour but we just walked around on our own.

Next one was Cahir Castle, that dates back to 13th century and is one of the largest castles in Ireland, and also a National Monument. Part of the movie Excalibur was filmed there.

From Cahir Castle we walked to Swiss Cottage, first pics on our way there.

Swiss Cottage is an ornamental cottage built around 1810 by the Lord and Lady Cahir (Richard and Emily Butler). They never lived there, it was just their little play house to show off everybody how rich they are. It looks big but inside there's only 4 rooms and the rooms are not that huge. Every room is different, with different windows and different door and different wall papers and furniture... I would go crazy living there, it was very weird and confusing! It was actually neglected for years, and got into really bad shape until it was restored in the 1980's and opened to the public. It is about 2 km walk from the Cahir Castle.

And a few more random pics from that day. This one I saw in the restaurant where we had lunch.

Some other random pics...

We went to a look out point to see the beauty of Ireland <3

For me it looked like he is showing the middle finger, that is why this pic :D

On Monday it was time to leave... Yes, I cried, and so did  my flat mate. Sheesh that sucked! Of course the bus to the airport was stuck in traffic, so it went really slowly through the city and I was just trying not to cry my eyes off. I had a lovely year in Ireland and it will always stay in my heart. Luckily my friends are planning on visiting me!

Next I will post about arriving to Bratislava, and the first pics from my new home town. I already did a day trip to Vienna, and will post about that too. I really have to stop being so lazy blogger, now I have 3 posts already waiting!

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